Past Events

Philadelphia Community Orchestra Inaugural Concert: Queering Music

Join us for an exciting evening of experimental music as the Philadelphia Community Orchestra (PCO) proudly presents its inaugural concert, a celebration of queerness. The repertoire is carefully curated to challenge norms and explore the diverse expressions of music. Expect a fusion of historical and contemporary pieces that challenge preconceived notions and celebrate the richness of the LGBTQ+ experience.

Program Highlights:

Pauline Oliveros - Sonic Meditation (1974)

Vicente Lusitano - Heu Me Domine (1553)

Free Improvisation

Giovanni Maria Trabaci - Consonanze Estravaganti (1603)

Julius Eastman - Stay On It (1973)


The Church of Saint Luke & The Epiphany - Chapel

330 South 13th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Free, but registration required

RSVP here